highfashionfey.com Met gala 2022

Met Gala 2022: “Gilded Glamour” Theme Explained.

-By Rayden

Met Gala 2022 Is Back, Finally falling on the Tradition First Monday of May & Really Impressive than Last Year. Here’s Everything to Know:

The High Society Fundraiser which began as a Dinner in 1984 by Publisher Eleanor Lambert, Propelled by Late Us Vogue Editor Diana Vreeland the Idea of realm of Celebrity & Popular Culture remaining under the Current Leadership of Anna Wintor. So, Hey Anna what do you mean by the Theme “Gilded Glamour”? & “White Tie” event After 2014?

Past Theme “In America A Lexicon To Fashion” Defined a Modern Vocabulary to American Fashion. While Part 2 this Year Costume Exhibit is “In America: An Anthology to Fashion” Rules on History to fashion, Titled for the Exhibit which will set Open to Public from may 7th Collection Focusing American Designers Old, New & Black Designers, which is so Cool. Red Carpet theme “Gilded Glamour” IS White Tied Formal take After 2014’s Charles James: Beyond Fashion Gala, Travelling back to New York’s time of Rapid Wealth & Grand Building Development of the 19 CE. Like the Still standing Building of Waldorf Astoria & Metropolitan Club that were Built. Expecting to Bring ” The Most Extravagant Style the Country has ever seen.”

“I Think the Emphasis on Conscious Creativity was really Consolidated during the pandemic & Social Justice Moment”

“And I’ve Been Really impressed with American designer response to Social & Political Climate, Particularly around issue of Both Inclusivity & gender Fluidity & I’m Finding there work very, very self reflective, I really do believe, American fashion is undergoing Renaissance. I think Young Designer in Particular, are the Vanguard of decision about diversity & inclusion , As well As Sustainability & Transparency much more so than there European Counter parts maybe with exception of English designer.”

Andrew Boltman

Gilded Age
Gilded Era

Gilded Glamour : Fashion & Red Carpet

‘Gilded’ Vocabs “covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint”, “wealthy and privileged.” “Glamour” Vocabs “an attractive or exciting quality that makes certain people or things seem appealing.” which is Seriously Needed With Past Looks from Celebs. What Exactly is Gilded Age?

I Know you Saying Bridgeton, but Not Bridgeton to be Exact, though it revolving with heavy period drama it ended before in1820 As Regency Era. Gilded Glamour Age Focuses 30 yr period of Innovation & Cultural Revolution 1870-1900 ( Business Age bring Wealthy Families of the Times ) Tech Advancement, Immigration. Economic boost occurred working class to suffered & boosting Opulence of Wealthy. Mark Twains book Titled The Gilded Glamour has this beautiful line that sums up the entire concept “Glittering on the Surface but Corrupts underneath”. With Wealth being the Prime Focus Along With how the body is Portrait, The Lavish Lifestyle of Existing Rich. ( considering the amount of layers from chamies , petticoat, corset, gown etc it always needed helping hands. Many Elites used to change 2-3 times a day ).dolled up in lavishness ( which wasn’t considered showing off but necessity & later showed a transition from Couture to Sport wear as women moved into sport Activities innovating lighter skirt but men’s wear on other hand didn’t flourish.

Fashion of the Time Strictly Orbiting Couture, Royalty, Body type & Opulence Defining Ones Personality & Class. Staples like Corsets, Bustles, Gloves, High Neck, Gowns, Layers, Statement. Techniques of Ruffling, Bows, Laces in Fabric like Velvets, Satins Tulle & more Top Hats & Hair do’s & wealth that are Periodic with Modern twist is What exactly needed at the Met Gala this Year.

Fashuion Time line Gilded Era
Women Fashion Silhouette of Gilded Era
Men Fashion Silhouette of Gilded Era
Men Fashion Through the Gilded Era
Fashion during Gilded Era going Natural & masculine. Charles James & his Creation with Bustle & gowns

Also Anna is the “Glamour” Spelled as European English is your way to hint How American Fashion was Influenced by the west? Which Brings Us to what exactly with Anthology…

Fashion Designers using Fashion A Way to Mold Body, Influenced by the Gilded age, from McQueen, Westwood, Vionote , Rai Kawakubo & more

In America: An Anthology To Fashion

Anthology Vocabs ” Collection”. The Exhibit Will have Collective of 19th -20th ce American Designer, Fashion, Technique. Victorian & European Dominance. Designs that are influenced by Crinolines ( with massive Circumference ), Bustles ( So high & curvy ), Petticoat ( Giving additional form ), Corsets Variating in Length ), Embellished Couture ( With crazy Gloves, Massive Bows, Tassels, Jewels, Crystal, Feather & everything Expensive & Changing ) , detachable natural ( moving on to healthy body experimenting with subtle natural Silhouette & lightness in the design), form transition from 1870 -1874

This time period shaped NY now known as Metropoles & more Modern American fashion.

Exhibit will also highlight how designer from the olden times to the recent utilizes body types like Exaggerated Hourglass, The “S” Curve, Natural Form of Bustle, Lobster bustle, relaxed bustle, Corset, Masculinity, Bicycle Bloomers, Modern adaptation of Avant grade Body. Through the Prominent work of Charles James ( The use of Princess line Shaping, Crinolines, Iconic Styles if Gown that are both periodic & way ahead of his time), Vivienne Westwood who still narrates crazy Victorian designs ( Corset Less Layers but very modern ) Alexander McQueen ( iconic Bumster without going over the top), to some Japanese designer like rai Kawakubo ( adding dimension & creating alien form to ones body)

You can check these Videos to get more deep dives at

Gilded Period by Captivating History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMpztX2c29I

on Gilded Fashion by Dar museum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE1nAnI_Ruw

Previous Met Review https://highfashionfey.com/met-gala-2021-this-celebrities-understood-the-assignment/

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